I bought a video monitor a few weeks ago. I have LOVED it. I am such a paranoid mom. I check on Maddix about every ten minutes. Im not even kidding it's a little pathetic. Now that I have my video monitor I just have to click a button and up pops my little guy. I don't have to sneak ever so slowly into his room.
Now to the weird part.
Last night I go to click the button to check on Maddix. It goes all fuzzy and the light turns red. Meaning the batteries are low. There is a channel A & Channel B switch that allows you to change depending on the reception. So once the screen goes fuzzy I switch to channel B. Up pops a crib that I don't recognize... I take a closer look and realize that I am viewing someone else's baby crib!
I am a little freaked out. What if this is happening to someone else. Can they see my baby sleeping?
Has this happened to anyone else?
I don't even know what else to say.... So dang creepy.
Yes Abs, that is WEIRD! I would be creeped out. More that I was looking at someone else's baby and NOT MINE! It is a good concept though. If I were you I would just leave it unplugged all the time until Maddix goes to sleep. Most likely the worst that could happen is some random mom will accidentally see him sleeping and be weirded out like you!! But during the day, keep it off!
Yes...definitely weird. That would freak me out too. I'm looking into buying one like yours, so that makes me want to investigate that a little bit! I agree with the first comment, just keep it unplugged during the day. I'll let you know if I find out anything about it while I'm looking!
You should read other parents reviews on it online. It's probably common, Like with the normal monitors you can hear neighbor's kids & cops radios driving by. But watching a neighbor's kid is nuts. Good luck with that.
I had the same thing happen with my regular monitor. My next door neighbor had a monitor for her little boy, and my monitor would pick up conversations and noise in their house. I often wondered how many conversations she heard in my house too! =) I soon switched to a different monitor and didn't have the problem anymore. I wonder if you are picking up a baby close by or next door?
CREEPY!!! Yeah someone else close by has the same type of monitor as you! I never even thought that those video monitors would do that too. BEWARE!!!
I have heard that that can happen. Do a search on KSL...I think they had a story on it recently. I believe they also posted a bunch of tips for video monitors. I believe there is a way you can block it so that only your machine can pick up your signal. That way, no creepies out there can park in front of your house and spy! (I doubt that happens very often, but I've known some people in my life I wouldn't put it past them!)
I was given the same monitor you have a picture of on this post. I returned it for another one because apparently even though most monitors can be programed to block other signals and only see your baby (just like Carly said) this one has big trouble doing that. Sad. Anyway, good luck. :)
Happy Birthday or congrats to you for making it through the first year!!!! He is adorable! Love all the party loot:) I don't have a monitor that has the picture on it but I would probably take it back.
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