Thursday, July 9, 2009


You really never know the love of a mother until you are one. Maddix Trevor McGinty was born this Monday at 1:45PM weighing in at 6lbs 13oz and 20inches long. He has a head FULL of black hair and these big eyes that just melt your heart. What an incredible experience and blessing. We finally got home from the hospital Wednesday. Bringing him home felt so surreal. I LOVE this new title of mommy and am in complete awe of this tiny miracle that I can't stop kissing, I could spend all day just watching his little facial expressions. To see my husband fill this role as daddy has melted my heart and made me fall even more in love with him.
As far as the delivery, I was so happy with my experience. I was determined to do Hypnobirthing and was so pleased that I was able to do a natural birth. I couldn't have done it without the help of Trev's cousin Talya who was my doula. In those times when I thought that It was just too much she was right there coaching me through every step. In addition to her incredible support I had My mom, Trev's mom and Trevor all rubbing my back, feet and applying cold rags to my face. Thanks to each of you I couldn't have done it without you. To anyone who might have heard of hypnobirthing and might want to try it, I highly recommend it. 15 minutes after he was born I was up and walking without being attached to my bed with a big iv. Even after I was taken up to our room I continued to feel great and loved that I was able to be back on my feet right away.
My labor started around 3am I woke up with contractions about 6 minutes apart and thought that my water was leaking. By 6:30 we were at the hospital to check the status of my labor. The nurse had me walk around for about an hour by the time I got back I was dialated to a 3 they decided that my contracgtions were progressing into labor so they admitted me around 9:00. Trev and I spent about another hour walking around, took a stop at the cafateria to have a muffin and chocolate milk and then onto more walking. By the time I got back to my room I was at a 4 when my nurse checked me my water bag was bulging so much that checking me broke my water this was at about 11:00 that's when the good contractions really picked up and I knew that there was not turning back. By 1:30 I was ready to push and he was here at 1:45. I had such a great birthing experiece and feel so blessed that it all went so well. Life as a mommy is incredible and I can't imaging life without this little guy.

His first BIRTHDAY cake


Anonymous said...

Oh, Abbie! He is so beautiful! Completely adorable. It sounds as if you had a great experience. I hope my labor goes as smooth as yours. We will have to talk so you can give me more advice.

LeAnn said...

He is so cute, congratulations!

Laurel said...

He is so perfect! There is nothing better than being a mother, and it only gets better. I am so happy for you. I hope I get to meet him soon.

JenAndrewAva said...

You guys did a great job! he is very cute!!!! I think I might have to say that he is taken. He and Ava will be a perfect couple!!!!! I hope all is well. We love you guys.

Meg and Tom said...

Abbie... he is truly one of the cutest miracles I have seen! I am so excited for you and you look beautiful! I wish you the best and if you could email me your address I need to get your present in the mail! Sure miss and love ya!

Riessen's said...

Abb and Trev, I think he is adorable and cant wait to meet him. See you soon. Erik wants to know why Trev's new bike baby didn't make the blog??:)

Shawna said...

He is adorable!! Congrats! I'm so happy for you guys!!

Carrie said...

Congratulations! I want his hair! I expect to see mohawks and all kinds of fun styles on the dude. Have fun with all that hair and enjoy every phase. It all goes by so quickly. Great news and beautiful addition to your family!

The Murphy Fam said...

Congratulations Trevor and Abbie! We can't wait to come see your little guy - he is adorable!

mcjenn said...

Such a awesome experience to be there and to see my first little grandson born. Thank you so much for sharing his birth with me. You did awesome! And he is one special boy! Love him!

Meggie said...

He is so beautiful! Totally worth it, huh? It is such an amazing experience. Congratulations! I am so glad that everything went so well for you. That is so good to hear. I am so glad that you are loving being a mom! I am sure you are doing such a great job. Congratulations. I can't wait to see him in person. What a cutie!

Mark, Stef, and Grace said...

Congratulations again! He is so cute! I admire you so much for being so strong through your labor. You are a tough girl!

rach said...

OH my goodness, so cute! His eyes are wide open! Oh he is precious Abbie. Congrats on the labor and having a positive experience. Enjoy every moment, they grow up so fast and you'll wonder where the time went. Take care and post lost of pics.

jessica& said...

Abbie, I am bawling right now. He is absolutely beautiful! I am so glad everything went well.
You look wonderful and I am so happy you are a few steps ahead of me because you calmed many of my fears. You are my baby mama role model! I can't wait to get together after you have a little family bonding time.

Marci and Matt said...

CONGRATS!! you are one tough mama! Glad to know that everything is going so well! He is absolutely perfect, with a perfect face! I'm so happy for you and Trevor... Maddix is one lucky guy to have you two as parents! Take care of yourself, and try to get some sleep!

The Eskelson's said...

Mommy!! Don't you love it? It gets better and better the more time goes on! He is such a handsome little boy and I can't wait to meet him! Congratulations to both you and Trevor!! I'm so excited for you to start this journey of parenthood!

Becca said...

Di's right...he is PERFECT! He is so sweet, glad he's finally here on earth! I can't wait to hold him for myself! :)

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS! He's beautiful! And congratulations to you for doing so well with the birth. It's always wonderful to have had a great birth experience. Can't wait to see you guys!

Clenece said...

Abbie he is so CUTE!! And you look TERRIFIC, My goodness! I am so glad you were able to give birth the way you wanted. Congrats on your new little guy, and I hope things continue to go well!

{McGinty's} said...

He is so stinkin cute. I am lucky to be his aunt!

Erin said...

Congrats!!!!! He is so adorable!! I am so happy for you, I wish you and your cute family the best!

Cannon Family said...

He is adorable!!! I'm so glad everything went well. Hope to meet him soon!

Diana said...

He's cute & hairy. Exactly what I would want my little boy to look like. So cute & so itty-bitty.

Brooke Hansen said...

Cogratulations! You are my birthing role model! I can't wait to meet him and have our little guys be buddies! Love you!

Carly said...

Abbie, every time I see pictures of him, my face breaks into a huge smile. I am so happy that he was finally able to join your family. You are a mommy, for crying out loud! Love it!! I can't wait to meet him. You and Trev have earned this, for sure!

Sarah said...

Congratulations Trevor and Abbie! Maddix looks adorable - can't wait to meet him. We couldn't be happier for you guys!

Bentleys said...

He is so handsome! I am so happy for you and your lil family!!!! Being a Mom is the most amazing thing! Its the hardest and funnest!

Andrea said...

Abbie he IS BEAUTIFUL!!! Glad everything went so smoothly for you, it sounds like a great experience! I too am going natural this time and can't wait!! Just wish I could find a decent doula!! Guess it will have to be my hubby

matheson memories said...

Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your birth. It was such a miracle to witness, and I loved helping you through every little bit. You will be a great mother, and a perfect example of the way to have a baby! Talya

Nicole Parker said...

Yay Abbs you did it!!! Congratulations on everything . .he is darling and I"m so excited for you and Trevor and your new journey. Love ya!

Cher said...

Abby he is so cute! And what a woman you are for making the birth al natural! (I tried and failed at 7 centimeters).
I'm so glad everything went well. Post more pictures. I'm sure he has changed so much already!

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