Monday, April 13, 2009

A weekend full of fun events.... Oh what a time to be on bed rest

We had a fun Easter weekend that started out on Thursday with my first baby shower. It was a combined shower for me and my sister in-law Janelle who is due in just a few weeks. It was so fun to chat with the gals and open fun gifts for our baby boy. It makes it all feel a little more real, I have loved filling his room with all the new goodies. Thanks so much to all of Trev's Aunts and Cousins who made it such a fun night. Sat. & Sun we had a few fun Easter parties, one at my grandparents and then one at Trev's grandparents. Unfortunately because I was put on bed rest I watched from a chair while all of the kids gathered their loot.
My doctor put me on bed rest last Monday told me to lay down and take it super easy for about a week to see if my pain and contractions would stop.The only up side to it was that I had my Mom, sisters and mother in-law to help and support me. They were all so great, Thanks Jenny for coming to our house with yummy food, good movies and books, and for cleaning my house. What would I do without these incredible women in my life.
Today was the first day that I could actually get back to a little bit of a normal routine. The doctor wants me to try being off bed rest for a few days to see if the contractions stop, if not I will be put on some medication to stop them. We definitely don't want this little guy to come any time soon. So no exercise, vacuuming or hard activity until he comes in July... Man am I going to get big.

I watched while Trev collected the eggs with our name on it. At least we got a picture that made it look like I found them.

The new addition to the McGinty family. Trevors cousin Kimmie and her husband Kyle's baby girl Hallee. She is just beautiful. Trev was so excited to hold her, I can't wait until it's our little one in his arms.

The Easter egg hunt at my Grandparents. They filled the entire hill with hundreds of eggs for the kids.

My bedding and blankets that I got for the shower. I LOVE it and can't wait to put in in his crib. I found it at a little botique in American Fork, if any of you pregnant gals need a good place to find bedding I know lots of good places. I got a lot of other great gifts that I wish I would have taken a picture of before I put them away in the baby's room.

Me, Trev and his mom at the shower

Me and Janelle

Last but not least....
We chose a name for our baby even before we were pregnant. I have LOVED this name for so long and always new I would have a boy first. So the only debate now is how to spell it.
Give me your in-put.

1- Maddix
2- Maddyx


Carrie said...

Love Maddix! Sorry you're on bedrest. I had to with my first pregnancy. If you get bored and want some reading material of helpful tips to keep occupied or any fun stories, email me, and you look so cute and tiny!

Clenece said...

YOU LOOK GREAT!!! and I love your bedding! Super cute. I hope you take it easy and keep that baby in there cooking! Best of luck Abbie!

Andrea said...

Looks like you had a great Easter but that's horrible about the bed rest. I CAN'T EVEN IMAGINE! Hopefully those contractions ease up and you can keep him in there for a lot longer!! What a fun shower too, it looks like you got lot's of good stuff. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me where to find cute bedding! There is NO WHERE down here! I will seriously drive up there just to get cute bedding!! My e-mail is As for the name, I like Maddix best :0)

Anonymous said...

You are SO CUTE and SO TINY - sorry about the bedrest but hopefully this too will be over soon. I L.O.V.E. the bedding - it's beautiful. And finally, my vote is for Maddix.

Janson and I want to send you a gift - but we don't have your address :( - will you email me?

Bentleys said...

You are so tiny! You are glowing!! You crazy girls on bed rest you need to relax and bake him longer! Love your bedding its beautiful!

LiNdS said...

I am so sorry about being on bedrest. That is horrible! I hope the contractions stop! As far as the spelling, I definitely like the first. Cute name! I can't wait to see the little guy.

summer anderson said...

I love the spelling Maddix...but of course whatever you love the most is best! Abbs, you are so completely beautiful. You are the PERFECT pregnant woman. What a lucky little boy to have you as his mommy! The bedding you chose is sooooooo cute. I love it. You'll have to give me some good shopping suggestions with my next one! I had no idea you were on bedrest either. I'm so sorry. I'll have to call so we can catch up. Love you!

Mark, Stef, and Grace said...

You are darling! I hope the contractions stop, and you're feeling better. I like Maddix the best!

{McGinty's} said...

I am glad that you are now starting to be able to do some things. the shower was alot of fun. keep us informed with whats going on we can't wait for your little one to come. p.s. I like maddix.

Carly said...

our vote is Maddix!

The Murphy Fam said...

I'm sorry you were on bed rest - that's not fun! I love the baby bedding we'll have to go there! I love the name Maddix too! Can't wait for the BBQ!

rach said...

You are so stinkin cute pregnant! I love the bedding so darling....I will be in disneyland for your baby shower, dang it! I will send your present with Summer. I wanted to do a shower for you but I'm glad Richae is doing one. I love the spelling Maddyx, something about the "y"

Erin said...

It looks like you had a great easter! Your little pregnant belly is so cute Abbie! I love the bedding that you got. Bedrest does suck, I had to do it with all 3 for weeks, but they are worth it ;)

Hey I am going private with my blog so send me your e-mail address

JOE BURNS said...

I'm thinking Maddyx with the y is manlier than with an i. That's my 2 cents anyway. We're already looking at cribs and bedding options ourselves tough decisions to be made for sure.

Anonymous said...

I like Maddix. Very cute!

jessica& said...

Yay! You got your cute bedding. I can't wait to see pictures of your nursery. I am sorry to hear you were having contractions. Your baby is probably to anxious to get out and meet his wonderful parents. I will have to come down to your house and bring you lunch sometime soon so I can get more of your good pregnant advice.

Diana said...

I can't believe ho wmuch you are showing. I love the bedding, you'll need to post pic once you have it on his crib. So cute, I love it.

Brooke Hansen said...

I am so sorry you were put on bed rest! I like Maddix the best! I love the bedding! I would love to know where to look for some, I have only looked at one place. Love ya!

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