Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Call Me Crazy....

OK, so as most of you know I am a paranoid pregnant mom. Every time I eat the wrong thing I panic all day and worry that I have eaten something that will hurt my baby. If I don't feel him kick I call Trevor in a panic and worry if I should call my doctor. If I bump my belly on something I think I have squished his little body. And if I wake up on my back at night I can't fall asleep again for hours because I have these thoughts of panic running through my crazy brain. It seems like once you have lost a baby you don't seem as laid back as you might have for your first pregnancy. I think that on top of me being so dang excited to be a mom makes for craziness, literally. My point in this confessional e-mail is to get every one's, any one's opinion. What did all of you do in your pregnancies? Even if you haven't had kids you must have heard some advice. I crave chocolate and eat it almost everyday, and then read online that it could cause stillbirth. I know I'm crazy!!!And since I officially confessed this to everyone you have to give me your advice. Come on girls, I know someone can counsel me into not worrying about everything.

And the belly keeps growing...

23 weeks-
Me and my sister jessi. She is due in about three weeks and I look like I am almost her size. Wow, I will have quite the belly in 4 months. I can't wait...

Trevor's boss gave him these shoes today. I just had to share, I think they are adorable. I can't wait to put his tiny feet in them.


Anonymous said...

Okay sweetheart let me tell you this. When I was 6.5 months along I was hit by a car on the freeway, it totalled my car. I FREAKED! Of course, Cash was just fine, but this is what I learned... your body is built to take care of this little man, it is also made to protect him.

So, sometimes you fall asleep and end up on your back - it's okay your body wakes you up so you can turn over again - it's automatic (that used to happen to me all the time).

You have cravings for a reason - I know a vegan who every time she's pregnant only wants root beer and cinnaman bears (what!) but her children are happy and healthy.

Stay active, drink plenty of water and eat what your body wants - there's a reason you want it even if it makes no sense to you. Also, on the kicking thing...

There were days when Cash didn't kick - I was freaked. Until my doctor told me that these little guys get tired from all their growing and developing and sometimes they just need a break. It's very, very common. Also, toward the end they run out of room so they don't move as much - it's okay.

You're doing great - keep that stethescope near by (what a great comfort) and relax - because he'll enjoy that too :)

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean. My dad freaks me out about not drinking enough milk. I worry that I am not growing enough, that I haven't felt it yet, that I ate something bad, etc. I talked to my doctor and he said relax. There are so many things out there telling you to do this and do that, or don't do this that it can become a full-time job keeping up on everything. Not everything is true, some are just opinions or theories. So lately I've been trying not to worry (very hard to do) and just keep up on the basics--eating well, getting lots of sleep, etc. If I keep busy I don't have as much time to stress.

{McGinty's} said...

You look great. Cute little belly growing. It is a fun stage to be at. I am excited for you.

Clenece said...

oh my gosh abbie you look so CUTE prego!! You have the cutest little belly. Your sister looks awesome for being ready to pop soon! Love those shoes!

Carly said...

I agree wholeheartedly with the first comment: I drank nearly half a gallon of milk and ate nothing but spaghettios every day for at least two months of my pregnancy...It was all I could stomach. Dax was born super healthy (whether it has contributed to his spastic nature, I will never know). I'm sure much of the craziness comes from the history of losing a baby, but don't you worry too much! If your midwife isn't worried, chances are, your little man is safe and sound in the best place he could be right now: your tiny little belly!

Andrea said...

First of all... LOVE the belly shot! You look adorable.

Secondly, about all the worrying... I understand exactly where you are coming from. Especially with my first pregnancy, I worried about everything DAY and NIGHT!
As for the chocolate eat away! My Dr. (with all 3 pregnancies) has told me to give in to your cravings. Just do it with moderation. I think as long as you are not eating a king size chocolate bar every day, you and your baby will be just fine!
Now for the sleeping part- I have 2 friends that sleep on their stomachs clear into their 6th and 7th month. They say it's the only way they can fall asleep. They both have 3 kids each and have done this EVERY pregnancy. Now I don't reccomend that, but.. the point is, your body knows the best and most comfortable position you need to be in at that given moment. If you wake up, just re-adjust your position to where you feel most comfortable. I however don't buy into the whole "lay on your left side" thing. I CAN NOT sleep on my left side. And with all 3 pregnancy's I have slept on my right side! No problems what so ever!
Bottom line, everything will be o.k. Just take a deep breath, and remind yourself that your body instinctively knows what to do, and the way to do it!

Diana said...

The little shoes are rad. Sad to say though he probably won't wear them for very long.

Okay, so the only advice I can give is to relax. Compare yourself with all those crack-head moms that are out there & give birth to perfectly normal babies. Why? I don't know but it happens all the time, I've seen several in NY trust me. I just kept thinking I'm doing eveything right so there is no reason why I should worry. A little chocolate is ok. It didn't hurt me just made me fat. Sorry Abbs, this probably isn't the best advice, all I can say is that it will pass.

LeAnn said...

You are so cute pregnant!

matheson memories said...

Okay, so we were built with these amazing bodies that grow babies. Things are put in us to protect the little ones as they grow and develope. Your little one is in the best place he can be right now and he will be just fine. I think that there are far too many things, that can cause worry, circulating out there. My advice would be to just enjoy holding him in a safe warm environment while you can, and don't worry if you don't do everything by the textbook. As far as I am concerned, there are far too many textbook rules, and not enough women realizing that there is no such thing as a "textbook pregnancy".

Carrie said...

You are so tiny! Those shoes look like Trevor Jr. :)

Nicole Parker said...

I don't have any advice but you look soooo cute . . I love it!

jessica& said...

I am thankful for this post and everybody's reassuring comments. I am in the same boat. I am sooo excited about this pregnancy I am paranoid I am going to do something wrong. I guess I need to not get stressed about every little thing.
You look darling. It was so good to see you the other day. I felt like I came home with a boat load of helpful advice. Let's do it again soon.

Bentleys said...

Stress is the worst thing for babies! I know Mom's who do not take care of themselves at all and have healthy babies and then there are Mom's who do everything by the book and stress out over it and something happens! Don't worry and listen to your body!

Marci and Matt said...

People have already given you the advise I was going to give. I slept on my back and right side, ate chocolate like it was going out of style, slammed into everything etc-- and I have 3 healthy babies!!
You look SO SO cute! I love that you finally posted a belly pic! And by the way... you don't look the same size as your sister-- nice try. She looks great too!
I love the shoes. Mark and Mitch got me Vans for Jaden and they held up better than any other shoe we had. Tanner wore them like crazy too and they still look great. I cannot WAIT till you have your little man!!

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