Monday, January 18, 2010

Just a quick up-date and a Half birthday wish...

Happy New Year!!! We are already well into 2010 and I fell like I am already behind in my goals that I have set for myself. Both Maddix and I were sick for a few weeks. Maddix had croup and received an oral steroid that helped open his airway. Being sick as a parent is a lot different. Typically you can just lay on the couch and sleep your sickness away but now I have a more important job of getting your little one better. My photography business is picking up and I am LOVING every second of it. I am still trying to manage the editing process one handed (I am usually holding Maddix while edit and he smacks the key board and deletes files) Trevor started paramedic school. He goes Monday and Wednesday until 10p.m and Saturday 8-5 with clinicals on top of that. Needless to say he will be SUPER busy and we will have to learn to live without him for a year. We feel so incredibly blessed to have the opportunity for him to go to school and will have many more job opportunities from his completion from the class. I have set the bar high for myself this year. I feel like I should be doing more, more for others, more for my health, more for my family, etc. you get the idea. My main 2010 goal is to be more charitible. I feel so blessed and want to help others more, so if any one needs anything or knows of anyone who might need something, anything please keep me in mind.
I hope that you all have an amazing new year!!!

Here are pictures of My little man that I took for his 6 month picts. (what I could snap in 10 min.) I love his super chubby cheeks. I just couldn't get him to smile his big smile. Happy half birthday to my baby boy.


Diana said...

Oh boy, is gaining some major chubs. All the more to kiss him with, right? Is he already sitting up on his own? I won't even recognize him next time i see him.

mcjenn said...

Oh my, he's just best thing ever! Love all you guys and wish you the best for 2010! You 3 are an amazing family

Brooke Hansen said...

Oh he is getting chubby! So cute!

Clenece said...

He is 6 months old time flies! Glad you guys are finally feeling better! Hopefully we can stop playing phone tag and catch up!

Anonymous said...

Wow - six months flies! What a cutie. I especially like the pic with his tongue sticking out. :) I LOVE that sweater/hat - where did you get it?

Bentleys said...

He is already 6 months crazy!! Enjoy every minute of it!!! It goes by way too fast, my oldest is turning 7, yes 7!! Its so sad and so fun!! I miss you too!

Meggie said...

I love your pictures. They are so amazing. Maddix is so dang cute! I hope I get to see him soon.

Shawna said...

He's so cute! Happy 6 month b-day to him.. :-)

{McGinty's} said...

he is so cute. can't believe how big he has gotten from the last time I saw him. what a stud.

jessica& said...

He is getting so big and round:) I love it!

Andrea said...

Croup is the WORST!! Yucky stuff! Thes pics are so cute, you're getting good!

Carly said...

I can't get enough of that photo with him sticking out his tongue! I love it!

LiNdS said...

Abbie cute blog!! I can't believe how amazing your photography is. You did all this in 10 mintues? That is unreal. You are so talented! I had a blast with you today... I can't wait to get together more often. And thanks again for all your beautiful words of encouragement lately.

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