Monday, December 28, 2009

Holiday Happenings

Can I just say how completly blessed I feel this Holiday season. I have had so much fun with our little guy this year. Rather than give each other a lot of needless gifts we opted to do a few sub for santa's. Shopping for someone who really needed what they were getting felt so much better. I hope to teach our children the real meaning of Christmas and to help them realize the importance of giving. We are also so lucky to have families that we love so much and that love us in return. I love this season, we have so much time to be together. I will miss the Holidays.
After Maddix and I got over our sore throats and pink eye I thought I was our of the woods but got hit again with another terrible cold that has taken my voice away. Dang this cold and flu season....
Be prepared for lots of pictures.

Our after Christmas hike...

He was more concerned about eating his presents than playing with them

Hanging out with Great Grandpa Bob

Teenie Tiny ducky bath robe. It used to be way to big for him, now it's a mini skirt!

Jett with Santa. Can you believe how BIG he is!

Maddix pulling of Santa's beard. My little 6 year old nephew was sitting right next to him, when Maddix pulled down his beard he looked at my mom and said " Yaya I knew it, they didn't send the real santa" Oops

This is the big grin I get to see a million times a day.. Can life get any sweeter!

My Cousin's wedding

Maddix and Jessi's baby Charli. My mom thinks they look like they are headed to the Prom!

This is our morning ritual. Every morning I open the blinds in the front room and we say good morning to all the things we see outside. This is Trev and Maddi looking at the morning snow storm.

My mom had a little Christmas party for all the grandkids. They made their own little pizzas, watched movies and ate lots of treats. I can't wait for Maddix to enjoy the festivities next year. My mom's christmas tree was amazing. She should be published in a magazine for her decorating.

Poor little guy has some serious eczema. We have to put eucerin cream all over his body twice a day and only use soap on him once a week. This is when it was really bad. his whole body looked like this. So sad.

My family has had a tradition for the past few years of ugly Christmas sweaters that we wear during Christmas eve dinner. Trev's family picked up the tradition this year too. It is fun to just be hideous and not even care. The second picture doesn't do the ugliness justice. Trevor shaved a mustache and had cowboy boots on with pj's. Remind me why I married him!

Maddix is eating solids. As soon as he takes a big bite of food he shoves his hands in his mouth and them slaps his forehead. This is the mess after.

Walking around Temple square in the FREEZING cold. This is one of my FAVORITE things to do for the Holidays!


mcjenn said...

Such great pictures! I hope you and Maddix get feeling better soon.
Christmas has been a great time. Saturday night was wonderful to spend down at your home. We had a great time and food was delish!

Clenece said...

It looks like you guys had a great Christmas. Sorry for all the phone tag we have been playing this past week.

p.s. I love the pj idea.

Deanna said...

The solids just get messier, sorry to say. I love the ugly sweater tradition!

Andrea said...

These pictures are so cute!! I'm hysterically laughing at Trevor in his one piece pajamas and mustache! I even had to show my hubby how funny it was!!!!!!!! I think you should frame it for sure!

Looks like you guys had a great Christmas! Poor little Maddix and his eczema. Me and my kids have it REALLY bad. Our dermatologist has me add 3 cap fuls of baby oil to the bath water when I bathe my kids. It not only soothes their skin, but kind of makes the water bead off instead of drying out their skin.. Give it a try.

I buy the Johnson and Johnson one with Aloe. Hope it helps the little guy!!!

Diana said...

That isn't Jet. I don't believe it. Looks like a completely different kid.
Glad maddix had a good first christmas.

JOE BURNS said...

Dang son them jammies are SNUG!
Love the creepy mustache too.

Diana said...

I'm ready for a new post.

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