Thursday, June 11, 2009

My BIG mama pictures

I finally have a few minutes to blog...
Yesterday we headed into SLC for my pregnancy photos (34 1/2 weeks). We were hiding under two big umbrellas for most of the day and when the rain let up a little we ran out to snap a few shots. Needless to say I was soaking wet after we were done. It definitely made for a fun experience. Thanks to my Sister Jessi for taking my pictures. You will have to check out more of our work on our blog.
After looking through all of the photos I said to Trev "I guess I don't feel half as big as I look" I have just been so excited to be pregnant that I didn't realize how ginormous my belly is. I could be having twins, I guess we will see...
I am finally on the BIG countdown to getting closer to having my sweet baby boy (5 1/2 weeks) after waiting all this time I can't believe I am this close.
I can't even express how excited I am. I have had a few road blocks that have prevented me from having a text book pregnancy but I seriously can't complain. I just feel so blessed and grateful that I got pregnant and that we are almost there.
I have felt this sudden panic and have started to pack my hospital bags and clean like crazy. Maybe it's because this little guy is dropping further down by the day.
I have had some wonderful showers given by family and friends. Unfortunately my camera was out of batteries for two showers and I haven't received copies of them so I only have one fun shower picture to share. Thank you to everyone who supported me and baby Maddix at my showers!!!

My shower thrown by my high school friends. Thanks Girls!!!


mcjenn said...

Great pictures Abbie! I'll have to get some copies of the "family" photos. You are not ginormous! Pregnant with my grand baby boy! I'll get you copies of the showers that I have. Also, Michelle has lots on her camera, cuz my battery died too.

Erin said...

You look so great in all your pictures!!! I love the pregnant belly! Where did you go to take the pictures, I love the backgrounds.

I am so excited for you to have your little guy and can't wait for the pictures of him!!

Oh, by the way.....your belly is not big, it is adorable!

Meggie said...

You looks so beautiful Abbie! I love the pictures! I can't wait for your little guy to get here. I'm sorry that I didn't make it to your shower. I'll have to get your gift to you.

Erin said...

Thanks, So where are you living now? Is your photo business in Utah? I'm sure you told me already, but I swear I have been losing my mind lately. Probably all the paperwork!

jessica& said...

Abbie, I love the pictures! You look beautiful. I need to make an appointment with you girls to do mine.

Erica said...

Abby you look beautiful!! Your belly isn't ginormous, it is so stinking cute!!!

The Eskelson's said...

Simply gorgeous!! That's all I have to say! Thank you so much for all your help last night! I learned a TON from ya!! Can't wait to meet your little man!

Andrea said...

These pictures turned out GREAT! You look so beautiful in all of them! I am jealous that you are almost done, and I still have 3 more months to go :0( Glad yoiu have had some great showers too! Hope you lots of good stuff!

summer anderson said...

Abbie, you are so absolutely gorgeous! Pregnancy suits really are glowing! I can't even describe how excited I am for you and Trevor. Little Maddix is one blessed baby boy!!

Cannon Family said...

Georgous! Love the pics. Lucky for you to have such a cute baby bump! I'm so sad to have missed your shower, I had another one that day and thought I could make both, but Lydi wasn't cooperating and gary was gone! I have a gift for you so hopefully I'll see you soon!

Diana said...

They came out so cute. The rain also added a nice wet shiney look to the floor & background. Nice job Jess.

Bentleys said...

Are you sure your pregnant! You are so tiny! I am jealous, If I looked as good as you prego I would do it again. Love the pics you are glowing can't wait to see Maddx!

Jeeping Rose said...

I love those pictures! You are so beautiful!

The Murphy Fam said...

I love your pictures! I can't get over how amazing you and your sister are with your photography skills!

Lindsay Kay said...

Beatiful dahling! They really turned out amazing!

rach said...

You are so stinkin cute! I am sorry I missed your shower, of all to miss you have always been so supportive of my showers, I really wanted to come. I have your present waiting maybe I'll see you at Brooke's shower.

{McGinty's} said...

great picture!

Shawna said...

I love your pics!! You are NOT huge!! You have a perfect round belly and look great!!

Erin said...

I would love to make you some! They would look way cute! Maybe we can do a trade sometime.

Clenece said...

Look at how CUTE you are prego! Seriously you look GREAT! I all goes well for you the next couple of weeks. Best of luck Abbie! I can't wait to see your little guy!

Jayne Sue said...

You look great! Only a month to go!

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